Application of Viral Controlgears Energy Meters ......

About Viral Controlgears :
VIRAL CONTROLGEARS was established by Mr. V.C.Mulchandani. He is double Graduate in Mech. & Elect. Engineering with shop floor to General Management Experience of 15 Years with an exposition to national & International Industry & trade.

Quality Control is built in manufacturing process with incoming inspection, stage inspection, finished goods inspection, Testing, Packaging & Despatch Checks. In House Manufacturing Facilities Include Modern Tool Room , Injection moulding, Compression Moulding, Press Shop, Heat Treatment Plant. Fuse Assembly line & testing Laboratory resulting into high quality products, reliability & fast Delivery Periods.

Unit’s Growth is supported by Horizontal & Vertical Expansion & Diversification Into Electrical & Electronic fields in general & Panel Board Products in Particular. Thus the average 20% growth over last year is achieved to enable it to be competitive in price & quality over its competitors.

Product Range :
Fuselinks, Fuse Holders, Plastic Legend Plates, Pushbuttons, Neutral LInks, Switches, Energy Meters, Digital Timers & Counters, Digital Meters & Temperature Controllers, Scrolling Display Sign Board, Process Indicators, Pilot Lamps, Adaption Plates for Digital Meters, Other Electronic Products.

About Energy Meters :
An energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electric energy consumed by a residence, a business, or an electrically powered device. An electricity meter, electric meter, electrical meter, or energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electric energy consumed by a residence, a business, or an electrically powered device. Electric utilities use electric meters installed at customers' premises for billing purposes. They are typically calibrated in billing units, the most common one being the kilowatt hour (kWh). They are usually read once each billing period. When energy savings during certain periods are desired, some meters may measure demand, the maximum use of power in some interval. "Time of day" metering allows electric rates to be changed during a day, to record usage during peak high-cost periods and off-peak, lower-cost, periods. Also, in some areas meters have relays for demand response load shedding during peak load periods.
Large commercial and industrial premises may use electronic meters which record power usage in blocks of half an hour or less. This is because most electricity grids have demand surges throughout the day, and the power company may wish to give price incentives to large customers to reduce demand at these times. These demand surges often correspond to meal times or, famously, to advertisements interrupting popular television programmes.

Features & Specifications :

Display : 0.39”, 0.56” 7 - Segment 4 Digit RED LED Display
Input : 0 to 5 A AC (Factory Set) / 0 to 250 Volt AC, 45-65Hz, 1Ø-2Wire, 3Ø-4Wire
Power Supply : 230 V AC ±10%, 50 Hz
Range : 0 to 500V AC, 0-250V AC, 300V AC,
CT Selection by Key & CT Ratio : 5 / 5 ~ 5000 / 5 Amp AC (User Configuration)
Size(mm) : 96 X 96, 48 X 96, 48 X 48, 38 X 62

Application : An energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electric energy consumed by a residence, a business, or an electrically powered device.

Buy Viral Controlgears Energy Meters at Discounted Price On Our Website :


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