Application of EAPL Energy Meters .....

About EAPL  :
EAPL happen to be the most sought after brand amongst the varied choices available in automation market over the years. They made change a milestone to be achieved in every aspect of their automated world. In a world where automation and innovation go hand in hand they make sure that their periodically improvise their products so that their clients receive the best.

Their journey to success has come with features on their cap...
ISO 9001 standards,UL(US) certification & National award for the outstanding manufacturer has been achieved after covering the whole country and their presence was felt in the global market EAPL sets its standard much higher than merely targeting at its sales figures. they strive to deliver quality products on time and give life long services.

EAPL company utilizes an array of tool centers for quality control such as Government approved design house and software centers.Automated testing rules out the possibilities of man made errors in calibration and measurement.

Key growth drivers summarized under the following pointers,
1 Cautious entry in different segment of instrumentation.
2 Growth and innovation from within is the anchoring point.
3 Firm expansion is the foundation builder.
4 Quality of service reflects the commitment.
5 Innovative Ideas paves the way for leadersh
6 Future vision and present rate of growth assures stability

Product Range :
Electronic Timers, Programmable Fault Annunciator, Pre-Set Counters, Energy Management System, Monitoring & Motor Protection Devices, Temperature Controllers, Power Supply Modules, Tachometer, Time Switch, Interface Relay Module, Light Switch, Solar Charge Controllers..

About Energy Meters :
An energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electric energy consumed by a residence, a business, or an electrically powered device. An electricity meter, electric meter, electrical meter, or energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electric energy consumed by a residence, a business, or an electrically powered device. Electric utilities use electric meters installed at customers' premises for billing purposes. They are typically calibrated in billing units, the most common one being the kilowatt hour (kWh). They are usually read once each billing period. When energy savings during certain periods are desired, some meters may measure demand, the maximum use of power in some interval. "Time of day" metering allows electric rates to be changed during a day, to record usage during peak high-cost periods and off-peak, lower-cost, periods. Also, in some areas meters have relays for demand response load shedding during peak load periods.
Large commercial and industrial premises may use electronic meters which record power usage in blocks of half an hour or less. This is because most electricity grids have demand surges throughout the day, and the power company may wish to give price incentives to large customers to reduce demand at these times. These demand surges often correspond to meal times or, famously, to advertisements interrupting popular television programmes.

Features :
Microcontroller based multifunction A/C Energy Meter.
CT Pri/Sec Programmable, Digital Measurement, IEC Compliance.
RS 485 port available, Flush / Panel Mounting, 96 x 96 mm DIN Mounting, Auto Scroll / Hold Facility.
Internal Resettable fuse for protection of device against voltage fluctuations.
Digital display will blink whenever voltage exceeds specified voltage range.
Switch off the unit for sometime & then switch on when voltage returns to normal.
Protection from dust and water as per IP-51.
Measurement of basic, power, energy and demand parameters.
On-site programmable PT and CT ratios.
High brightness LED display (alpha numeric for parameter, numeric for value).

Specification :
Input Voltage : 170V AC-270V AC/DC, 85-270V AC/DC
Parameters : Basic, Integral, V , A , Hz, PF , W, KWh, MWh, LH
Accuracy : Class1.0 / (Class 0.5 calibration on Request)

Application : Sub metering panels, Distribution Panels, HT/ LT panels, DG panels etc.

Buy EAPL Energy Meters at Discounted Price On Our Website :


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